44 Zoo Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

Grow your knowledge with the help of the below easy and hard zoo riddles with answers.

Zoo Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

1. I can race like a car, but I can also go as slow as a sloth, I am very famous in a movie, but I seem like I shouldn’t be, what am I? Answer: Turbo.

2. I am an animal that honks without using a horn, what am I? Answer: A goose.

3. I am an animal of few letters, Remove the second and you can’t see, Change it to l, and Im a punishment, Yet backward Im a game. What am I? Answer: Frog. It only has four letters, removing the r leaves fog, which makes it hard to see. Changing the r to the l makes flog, a punishment I hope you’ve never experienced. Flog backward is golf.

4. How was the robot gorilla fixed? Answer: With a monkey wrench.

5. How does a tiger greet the other animals in the field? Answer: ‘Pleased to eat you.’

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6. How does a penguin build houses? Answer: Igloos it together.

7. How do monkeys make toast? Answer: They put it under the g’rilla

8. How did the chimp fix the leaky faucet? Answer: With a monkey wrench.

9. Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin’s egg. Why not? Answer: Penguins only live in Antarctica.

10. Can you count the number of hidden animals in the picture above? Answer: 6

11. A lion; capture it. What is the anagrammed word? Answer: Recapitulation.

12. What animal is best at hitting a baseball? Answer: A bat!

13. What animal is bad to play games with? Answer: A cheetah!

14. What animal has more lives then a cat? Answer: A frog, he croaks every night!

15. What animal do you think is the best at baseball? Answer: A Bat

16. What animal could Noah not trust? Answer: A cheetah.

17. Tom can pet lions. What is the anagrammed word? Answer: Contemplation.

18. This may seem like a strange mix. But it’s there for all to see. With parents, shepherds, and kings. Some animals and a baby. Answer: The Nativity

19. There are two monkeys on a tree and one jumps off. Why does the other monkey jump too? Answer: Monkey see monkey do.

20. There are three doors. In each door is a way to die. The first door has fire and lava. The second door has lions that haven’t eaten in 5 years. In the third door, there is a 1,000-foot drop into alligators. Which door will you likely survive? Answer: The second door with the lions. Since they haven’t eaten in 5 years they will have died.

21. Name a non-mythical animal that was not on Noahs ark? Answer: Fish, dolphins, whales, etc.

22. Im an animal. I love marching. I always wear tuxedo. What am I? Answer: A penguin

23. What farm animal keeps the best time? Answer: A watchdog

24. What do you get when you mate Simba with a pair of glasses? Answer: Sea lion.

25. What do you call an animal that turns into a boat? Answer: A GIRRAFT.

26. What do you call a flying monkey? Answer: A hot air baboon.

27. What did the father Buffalo say to his son? Answer: Bye-son. (Bison)

28. What business is King Kong in? Answer: The Monkey Business.

29. What are the three keys that open no doors? Answer: MonKEYs, donKEYs, and turKeys.

30. What animals are the best pets? Answer: Cats, because they are purr-fect!

31. What animal walks on four feet in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? Answer: Man (or woman). A baby crawls on all fours, then walks on two legs as an adult and uses two legs and a cane when they’re old.

32. What animal turns about 200 times around its axis after it dies? Answer: A roast chicken.

33. What animal keeps the best time? Answer: A watchdog!

34. You are in a room with three monkeys, one has a stick, one has a banana, and one has nothing. Who is the smartest in the room? Answer: You, of course, is a monkey smarter than you?

35. Would you rather have a tiger or lion eat you? Answer: I’d rather have the tiger eat the lion.

36. Which would see most clearly in total darkness? A bat, a tiger, or an owl. Answer: None. In total darkness, it is impossible to see anything.

37. Which species of lions do not hunt? Answer: Dandelion.

38. Which animals are famous painters? Answer: Pablo Pig-caso and Vincent van Goat!

39. Which animal is best at hitting a softball? Answer: The bat.

40. Where do penguins keep their money? Answer: In a snow bank!

41. What was the first animal in space? Answer: The cow that jumped over the moon.

42. What key is playful? Answer: Monkey.

43. What is the monkey’s favorite month? Answer: Ape-bril.

44. What is black and white and red all over? Answer: A skunk with diaper rash.

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