35 Vampire Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

Grow your knowledge with the help of the below easy and hard vampire riddles with answers.

Vampire Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

1. What’s it like to be kissed by a vampire? Answer: It’s a pain in the neck.

2. What do vampires cross the sea in? Answer: Blood vessels!

3. What did the tourist say to a vampire? Answer: Do you know a good place to get a bite?

4. What did Dracula say then he saw a giraffe for the first time? Answer: “I’d like to get to gnaw you.”

5. What cow lives in a haunted farmhouse? Answer: Cow-nt Dracula.

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6. I wonder what vampires put on their turkeys at Christmas? Answer: Grave-y

7. I come out at night, I am neither human nor animal, I rarely eat I only drink, I can only be found at night, and I will glow in the sunlight. What am I? Answer: A vampire.

8. How does a girl vampire flirt? Answer: She bats her eyes.

9. How do you know that a vampire loves baseball? Answer: Because he turns into a bat every night.

10. How do vampires like their food served? Answer: In bite-size pieces.

11. How can you tell if a vampire is sick? Answer: By how much he’s coffin.

12. How can you tell a vampire likes baseball? Answer: Every night he turns into a bat.

13. What’s it called when a vampire has trouble with his house? Answer: A grave problem.

14. What wears an eyepatch and robs ships at night? Answer: A vampirate.

15. What type of dog does a vampire have? Answer: A Bloodhound!

16. What kind of money do vampires use? Answer: Blood money!

17. What is a vampire’s sweetheart called? Answer: His ghoul-friend.

18. What is a vampire’s favorite fruit? Answer: A neck-tarine!

19. What is a vampire’s favorite boat to travel on? Answer: A blood vessel.

20. What happens when you cross a vampire with a snowman? Answer: Frostbite

21. What does Dracula call Thanksgiving? Answer: Fangs-giving.

22. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a teacher? Answer: A blood test.

23. You walk into your house you see three doors you’ve never seen before. One vampire bat that will suck your blood. Two zombies will eat your brain. Three a lion that hasn’t eaten for over six months. Which one do you go through? Answer: Three a lion that hasn’t eaten for over 6 months because he would be dead.

24. Why did the vampire take an art class? Answer: He wanted to learn how to draw blood.

25. Why did the Vampire get fired from the Blood Bank? Answer: He was caught drinking on the job.

26. Why did Dracula take cold medicine? Answer: To stop his coffin.

27. Why are vampires like false teeth? Answer: They both come out at night.

28. Which building does Dracula visit in New York? Answer: The Vampire State Building

29. Where does Dracula water ski? Answer: On Lake Eerie.

30. Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch? Answer: At the casketeria.

31. Where do vampires put their money? Answer: In a bloodbank

32. Where do vampires learn to suck blood? Answer: Law school

33. Where did the vampire open his savings account? Answer: At a blood bank.

34. When do vampires like horse racing? Answer: When it’s neck and neck.

35. What’s Dracula’s favorite ice cream flavor? Answer: Veinilla.