16 Turtle Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

Grow your knowledge with the help of the below easy and hard turtle riddles with answers.

Turtle Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

1. What do you call a famous turtle? Answer: A shellebrity.

2. Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees. How many T’s are in that? Answer: There are 2 t’s in THAT.

3. I row quickly with four oars, but never come out from under my own roof what am I? Answer: turtle

4. I have four legs and a tail. I have no teeth. I can swim and dive underwater. I carry my house around with me. I am a… Answer: Turtle.

Also get: Bear Riddles

5. Armored but not a knight, snapping but not a twig, and always at home, even on the move. What am I? Answer: A turtle.

6. A stylish winter top that covers your larynx. Answer: turtleneck

7. What has armor but is not a knight, snaps but is not a twig, and is always at home even on the move? Answer: turtle

8. What happens when your kids want to buy a tortoise? Answer: You shell out a lot of money.

9. What does a turtle do during winter? Answer: Sit by the fire and worm himself up.

10. What do you get when you cross a pig and a tortoise? Answer: A slow-pork.

11. What do you get if cross a Turtle with a Giraffe? Answer: A Turtle-Neck

12. Why is turtle wax so expensive? Answer: Because their ears are so small!

13. Who is it that rows quickly with four oars but never comes out from under his own roof? Answer: turtle

14. Who has a house too small for guests? Answer: A tortoise

15. Where did the turtle fill up his gas tank? Answer: At the Shell station

16. What kind of animal lives longest in zoos? Answer: Turtles.

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