Potential: Definition, Synonyms, and Examples

The term “potential” refers to having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. It often denotes the inherent or unrealized ability, capability, or capacity that someone or something possesses, which can be further developed, utilized, or fulfilled.

Meaning and definition of ‘potential’

“Potential” can be understood in various contexts, and its meanings encompass the following:

  • Capability or Capacity: It denotes the inherent ability or capacity to develop, achieve, or perform something.
  • Possibility: Refers to what is possible or likely to happen based on existing conditions, qualities, or circumstances.
  • Latent Abilities: Unexpressed or undeveloped abilities, skills, or talents that could be realized under suitable conditions or with proper development.
  • Prospective Success: The promise or likelihood of success or excellence based on observed qualities, performance, or inherent qualities.
  • In Physics: The term refers to the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric field, representing the work done per unit charge in moving between the two points.

The definition of “potential” often revolves around the capacity for growth, development, or achievement in various aspects—be it personal, professional, or related to a system or object. It’s about the inherent possibilities that may be realized under specific conditions or through appropriate actions and efforts.

Synonyms and Antonyms of potential


  • Capability
  • Capacity
  • Possibility
  • Potentiality
  • Promise
  • Prospect
  • Opportunity
  • Likelihood
  • Ability
  • Talent


  • Actual
  • Realized
  • Fulfilled
  • Incapable
  • Limited
  • Unlikely
  • Incompetent
  • Impossible
  • Deficient
  • Unfulfilled

Examples of ‘potential’ in sentences

  • The young athlete showed great potential, displaying exceptional speed and agility during practice sessions.
  • The company’s innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize the industry.
  • Despite facing initial setbacks, the project has immense potential for success if managed effectively.
  • Teachers often strive to unlock the potential of each student, helping them discover their strengths and interests.
  • The empty field had the potential to become a beautiful park with the right landscaping and planning.
  • Sarah’s leadership skills are outstanding; she has the potential to excel in a managerial role.
  • The new technology has the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption in households.
  • Identifying and nurturing talent is crucial in a company to harness the full potential of its workforce.
  • The scientist’s groundbreaking research has opened up possibilities and potential applications in various fields.
  • With dedication and hard work, anyone can realize their full potential and achieve their goals.

Other forms of ‘potential’ in sentences

The word “potential” can take on different forms in sentences based on grammatical requirements. Here are the various forms of “potential”:

1. Adjective form (“potential”):

  • The potential candidate impressed the interviewers with their skills.
  • There’s a potential risk of flooding in low-lying areas during heavy rainfall.

2. Noun form (“potentiality”):

  • The potentiality of the situation became clearer after further analysis.
  • Exploring the potentialities of renewable energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future.

3. Adverb form (“potentially”):

  • The new drug has the potential to potentially cure a range of diseases.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol is potentially dangerous and illegal.

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