20 Library Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

Grow your knowledge with the help of the below easy, hard library riddles with answers.

Library Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

1. What building has more stories than any storybook? Answer: A library.

2. This country gave us Harry Potter, and the cuddly Paddington Bear, consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, and Robin Hood who kept things fair. Answer: England

3. I am the building with a number of stories. Find me who am I? Answer: A library.

4. Do you know how many librarians it takes to change a light bulb? Answer: No, but I know where you can look it up!

5. All the world’s wisdom can be found inside, but in which book will the next clue hide? Answer: Library

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6. A public library suddenly announced that each member could borrow an unlimited number of books and not return them for up to six months. Why? Answer: The library was moving to a new building, but due to poor budgeting, they had little money left for the move. Giving borrowers extra time ensures that the borrowers moved most of the books.

7. A pile of words, jackets of hordes, take a quick look, in the place of the book. Answer: Library

8. Why does the ghost come back to the library every day for more books? Answer: Because she goes through them too quickly.

9. Why didn’t the skeleton come back to the library with an overdue book? Answer: He was too gutless.

10. What is a flea’s favorite book? Answer: The itch-hikers guide to the galaxy!

11. What do you call a woman who can’t stop reading books? Answer: Paige Turner

12. What did the detective do when he didn’t believe the librarian’s story? Answer: He booked her!

13. It has a million stories but cannot tell them, I’m a? Answer: Library

14. How are you supposed to talk in the apple library? Answer: With your inside voice.

15. Why didnt the burglar break into the library? Answer: He was afraid he’d get a long sentence!

16. Where you would go to borrow books? Answer: The library

17. Where does a librarian sleep? Answer: Between the covers!

18. What vegetables do librarians like? Answer: Quiet peas!

19. What do librarians take fishing? Answer: Bookworms!

20. To find this clue you have to look, in the place where you read books? Answer: A library

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