25 Autumn Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

Grow your knowledge with the help of the below easy and hard autumn riddles with answers.

Autumn Riddles With Answers For Kids And Students

1. What reads and lives in an apple? Answer: A bookworm.

2. What kind of vest should you wear in the fall? Answer: A har-vest!

3. What is red, orange, and yellow, and doesn’t get hurt when it falls? Answer: Autumn leaves.

4. What are black, white, orange, and waddles? Answer: A penguin with a pumpkin!

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5. What do you call a tree that doubts fall is coming? Answer: It is in Dis-be-leaf.

6. What did the squash with an identity crisis say? Answer: I’m A – Corn!

7. What can a whole apple do that half an apple can’t do? Answer: It can look round.

8. I run, but I don’t walk. I drip and drop, but I can’t pick myself up. You have to consume me and sometimes I surround you. What am I? Answer: Water

9. How are you supposed to talk in the apple library? Answer: With your insider’s voice.

10. Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield? Answer: Because the corn has ears.

11. Why do trees hate tests so much? Answer: Because they get stumped on all questions!

12. Why did the lions move at the end of summer? Answer: Because the pride goeth before the fall!

13. Why did summer catch autumn? Answer: Because autumn is fall.

14. Why are trees so carefree and easygoing? Answer: Because every fall, they let loose.

15. Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road to school? Answer: The Crossing Gourd.

16. Who can jump higher, a pumpkin or a scarecrow? Answer: Neither of them can jump!

17. Which side of a tree has the most leaves? Answer: The outside.

18. What’s the best thing to put into an apple pie? Answer: Your teeth.

19. Which monster is red, round, and only comes out in the autumn? Answer: Frankenapple!

20. What is the cutest season? Answer: Awwtumn.

21. What falls in autumn? Answer: Leaves!

22. What do the trees say when they start getting their leaves back in spring? Answer: What a re-leaf!

23. What did a tree fighting with autumn say? Answer: That’s it, I’m leaving.

24. People come and watch, from far away to see me burning brightly, almost catching fire, the colder it is the hotter I’ll be. Then I die. What am I? Answer: Fall leaves changing colors. Burning with bright colors, when it’s cold outside the brighter the colors are.

25. A family of fall leaves was trying to change a light bulb. A squirrel walked by and asked why the bulb wasn’t changed yet. What did the red leaf say? Answer: The red leaf said, “Because we keep falling.”

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