12 Art Riddles With Answers For Unlocking The Secrets of Art

Art riddles are a playful and intriguing way to explore the world of art. They challenge us to think creatively and critically, revealing hidden meanings and connections in the works we admire. Whether you’re a seasoned art aficionado or just getting started on your artistic journey, art riddles offer a unique and engaging way to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the art around you. So get here some best art riddles with answers for kids and students.

Art Riddles With Answers

1. What did the artist draw before he went to bed? Answer: The curtains!

2. I sometimes come in a can but I’m not food I sometimes come in a bottle but I’m not a beverage I come in different colors but I’m not a rainbow I’m sometimes used with canvas but I’m not a tent I’m used with a brush but I’m not toothpaste. Answer: Paint

3. I do not get put on a bed Even though I am a sheet Instead put me in a binder To keep your desk nice and neat. Answer: Paper

4. How do you inspire an artist? Answer: Easel-y

Also get: Snake Riddles

5. Although my center contains lead It isn’t very tough And so you need to sharpen it In order to draw stuff. Answer: Pencil

6. A man walks into an art museum and stares at a painting. When a guard walks up and asks him why he is so interested in the painting, he responds with “brothers and sisters I have none but that man’s father is my father’s son”. Who is the man in the painting? Answer: The man in the painting is his son.

7. Why was the artist afraid he might go to jail? Answer: Because hed been framed!

8. Why does a blonde nurse carry around a red pen? Answer: To draw blood.

9. Why did the vampire take an art class? Answer: He wanted to learn how to draw blood.

10. Why did the paintbrush see a doctor? Answer: It had a stroke!

11. What is black and smells like white paint? Answer: Black paint

12. What do you call a gorilla that plays with clay? Answer: A Hairy Potter! (Harry Potter)

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